Friday, September 16, 2011

To the out of towners

Emily and Christopher wanted me to relay to all of the friends and family that may be closer to OH that they will be having a memorial service there in the coming weeks. They will be traveling East soon and would like to have a memorial in Emily's home town. If you are near the Columbus area, please join them for this ceremony rather than trying to travel out to NM next week.

The family will be planting a tree here and in Ohio in Ella's honor. They would love if each of us would plant a tree for our children and Ella.

If you will be visiting Chris and Emily, please try to take a meal that they can freeze. The coming months are going to be tough and this is a simple way to help them out. Be sure to mark what your meal is, what temperature to cook it at and for how long.

Many of you have asked if you can bring children to the services on Wednesday. I encourage it. The family wants this to be a celebration. Don't feel obligated to wear black. And please feel free to bring your children.

on behalf of Emily, Christopher, Aiden and Ella

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