Thursday, September 15, 2011

Funeral Arrangements for Ella

The link above will take you to the Daniels Family Funeral Home page designed for Ella. You can leave messages and view the details for the memorial service. The service will take place at 3:30 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011 at the Daniels Family Funeral Services on Sara Road in Rio Rancho. Please see the link for a map and detailed directions.

Ella is being cremated so there will be no viewing of the body. The service is a celebration and Ella's first party. Please feel free to wear a bright color and celebrate with the family. The family has invited everyone to join them after the service at their home. 8000 Bluffs Edge NW, Alb. NM. They would love to share stories about Ella and see all of you who have been such a strong support.

If you would like to visit Christopher and Emily in the coming days, please send me an email: or to the Please do not show up unannounced. Of course, you are welcome to reach out to Chris or Emily to arrange a visit, but your chance of a response is better if you email or call me. 505-715-7976.

Thank you for your patience in waiting for this update. There were lots of details that had to be worked out.

on behalf of Emily, Christopher, Aiden and Ella

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