Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ella 9/11

I have been procrastinating posting a blog entry because I am not sure what exactly to say.

Ella is not doing well. She is struggling despite everyone's best efforts. She is still breathing, and without being intubated. This is a good thing. Her oxygen levels are staying relatively normal, but she is having lots of fluid build up. Doctors are not sure how much longer she will be with us.

I suppose I should find something inspirational to pray for, but I am so lost. Elizabeth prays for Ella to not be sick any more. I mostly pray for Emily and Christopher to have enough strength to give to Ella and each other.

Emily and Chris are strong people. They are doing this hundreds of miles away from all of us, but they are enjoying every minute with Ella. She is a beautiful baby and they know how blessed they are to have her, even for this short while.

I hope to have better news tomorrow. In the mean time, please keep Ella and her family in your hearts and prayers.

on behalf of Christopher, Emily, Aiden and Ella

1 comment:

  1. This is difficult news to hear but I, and I'm sure everyone else keeping up with your posts, greatly appreciates the updates and well deserved words of praise for Chris, Emily, and Ella's strength through this journey. They are blessed to have such wonderful family and friends standing with them. Prayers will certainly continue from us and we also hope to hear better news.

    The picture posted above is precious and brought a smile to my face when seeing it :)
