Friday, September 9, 2011

Ella Update 9/9

Thank you all for joining the blog.

I don't have much new information. Ella is still struggling to get off of the ventilator. She just needs to recuperate a little more before the doctors feel comfortable removing it. Her oxygen is turned way down though so that is encouraging.

The last few days have been tough because the doctors needed a new IV and it is never fun to see your baby poked and prodded. Emily and Chris are by her side constantly though and she is drawing tons of strength from that. They tell her stories about all of us and how they met and apparently she is lulled to sleep (or bored out of her mind) by all of it.  :)

I mentioned setting up a calendar to sign up to watch Aiden and do some of the other tasks that have to be done at the Hawkes house, but we are okay for now. I will be sure to get it up Monday or Tuesday. Thank you everyone who is already itching to pitch in.

I am sending a package to Chris and Emily tomorrow. If you would like to send them anything, the address is:
Ronald McDonald House
c/oChristopher & Emily Hawkes
520 Sand Hill Road # M213
Palo Alto, CA 94304-2001

The best thing to send is something edible or readable. If you can write your favorite story about how you met Chris or Emily or Aiden and send them that, it will give them something to read to Ella while they are sitting with her. It may even have the effect of helping them crack a smile. Edible is always good because they are constantly snacking and never eating a proper meal. I am sending some jerky, nothing as good as what Chris has been making, but at least it will last.

Christopher and Emily are exhausted. They need lots of strength now. Keep them in your prayers, along with a strong recovery for Ella.

Thank you all,
on behalf of Christopher, Emily, Aiden and Ella

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