Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hawkes Family Update 8/30/2011

There have been a few doctors appointments and a couple of developments this week. First, Ella seems to be growing just a little. She may be as much as 5 lbs 5 oz. For perspective purposes, this puts her in the 3rd percentile for babies in their final week of development. It isn't great, but it is much better than 4 lbs. She is absolutely a fighter.

Emily is about 25% effaced and barely dilated. But barely counts. The team of doctors, which consists of doctors at 3 different hospitals, have decided to deliver Ella on Thursday, September 1, 2011 via c-section.

Please remember that hospital policy will not allow any visitors during the first few days and I assure you, I will let you know as soon as Christopher and Emily are allowed/ready for visitors. They are going to need all of your support over the coming weeks but they will also need their rest.

Thank you everyone. You have been amazing so far and your love and prayers have touched the Hawkes family and me as well.

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