Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ella Day 1

Here is one of the first pictures of Ella. she is a bruiser. You may notice the breathing tube. Ella did have to have a little help. Mostly, she needed more oxygen to help her heart rate pick up. It was far too low. The good news is, she is no longer attached to the tube. This is very exciting. Now for the good stuff:

 As you can see, she has tons of hair and looks a lot like Christopher. Poor girl. :) Kidding. She is beautiful.

Doctors have run lots of tests. She still only has half a heart, but she is hanging in there really well. She will be watched closely for the next 24 hours and then, hopefully, she will be on her way to CA for her first of many surgeries. Everyone is still anxious, but Christopher and Emily celebrated the small victory of her surviving her first day. They are very proud parents.

I must also make a correction, Ella was born at 7:40 am for all of you watchers of the clock. Emily is doing well. Exhausted and running on fumes, but still clear headed and no where near the wreck I would be with all this chaos. Christopher, eh, who worries about the dad? Again, poor Chris. He is just fine and he survived the delivery with no drugs either.

Well, I am obviously exhausted and not making sense any more. I am sorry. I will strive to do better tomorrow. Enjoy the pictures and keep the family in your prayers. The journey begins.

on behalf of Christopher, Emily, Aiden and Ella


  1. Dear Ella,
    You are a beautiful Angel!!! You have sooo many people praying and rooting for you!!! You must know how special and amazing your parents are! And your brother Aiden....well lets just say he is extraordinary! The rest of your relatives are pretty special too. We wish we could could be there with you but you have the best people at your side right now. We just want you to know this.... So many people love you Ella!!

    Patricia and Steve Flores

  2. Ella,
    Welcome! You are so beautiful and I am so happy to meet you even if it is just through cyber-space. I wanted to tell you that God already knows you so well. He has heard your name thousands of times already.....I know because he has heard mine too and he is not ready to meet either of us for a very long time yet! Hang in there and be strong honey....we women have to stick together. Can't wait to meet you in person. YOU are amazing sweetie and very loved!!!!! Hi to your mommy and daddy and tell them Robin and Greg love them. Bye for now. Robin

  3. Dear Ella,
    You are a beautiful little girl. You have the best Mommy and Daddy a little girl could ever ask for. Stay strong. We will be keeping you and your wonderful family in our prayers. We love you with all our heart.
    Love, Elizabeth Olson XOXOXOX

  4. She is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I am in love already! You guys are on my mind constantly and there is no doubt you are blessed! Love you all!

    Christina and Josh

  5. What a gorgeous little girl you are, Ella! You have brought so much love to to the world already and changed those who know of you in profound and positive ways! What a gift from God-thank you! You have some courageous and loving parents and a huge group of friends and family who are praying and rooting for you. I wish I could kiss those adorable cheeks, but know we are sending our love and prayers to you, your Mom and Dad, and that wonderful brother of yours!
    Love, Aunt Caitlin

  6. Congratulations - Ella is adorable!! Thinking of you and wishing only the best to you and your family.

